Promise your Time

I have a bad habit of making promises I can’t keep. It makes me feel guilty when I am not able to fulfil them on time. My list for failing promises is getting endless. Promising a friend to show up on his birthday but on another hand, got swarmed with the tasks at work. Telling your kid that you will show up at her recital, only to realise that its time for product release. Planning to spend your time with hubby but then realising that I would never be able to make it. It’s not only me, many people in work and business environment, suffers the same. This feeling of catching up with the relationships is no longer turning out as we had hoped it to be. Its a false hope thinking that today I’ll be able to conquer it without using any help.

Fighting time out

Our urge to fight time out and to meet our promises is becoming stronger each passing day. All the gadgets are consuming part of our life, leaving little to add quality to our time. Imagine the relationship you could have with your family and friends, if you could control where you spend your time.

Do more in less

Some people can do so much in a day while others just squander from one activity to another. It’s only through discipline that one can achieve that kind of productivity.  While people overestimate their ability to do number of tasks in short time, they tend to underestimate their ability to do tasks in longer span of time

Plan it with RealizD
Time assignment

RealizD as an app provides you with that control over your life. It empowers you with the discipline you wanted to have in your life and helps you in being accountable towards your life and relationships. It enables you to track your virtual life and enables you to find the sweet spots in your time. Promise the slots of your time to the relationships you care. Let the time flow with the relationships and not fly away living virtually.