Sharing work to fuel Personal Growth

Our life revolves around our work. Also with this work we attach our human need to be significant. Sharing our work provides means to meet our need to be significant. In today’s world with technological advancements sharing our work around has become ridiculously fast. One can make simple post on social channels and can get instant feedbacks. These feedbacks whether positive or negative can fuel our personal growth.

How sharing goals helps?

According to some research, we are more likely to complete our goals if we share them with some one. It has benefits like:

  • Making us more accountable towards our goal.
  • Adding up motivation to reach our goal.
  • Acting as reminder as to why we are doing particular task.
  • Helps in accumulating the valuable feedback.
  • Provide ways to buildup connections.

What to avoid during sharing?

Although there are clear benefits in sharing but one should be careful what is being shared. The written thoughts, ideas and opinions are alway open to wrong interpretations. But there are some clear rules of ethics:

  • Avoid Negative thoughts and opinions.
  • Avoid overblown information which has no basis.
  • Don’t share just for the sake of sharing, have some meaning in sharing.

Sharing can be gadget free too..

Although sharing one’s achievement online is the simplest way to get the feedback quickly. But there are times when human connection is required to feel positive. It can take up one’s time and effort to do it, but results are worth trying:

  • Knowledge sharing by studying together.
  • Skills sharing by practical learning experiences.
  • Opinions sharing by visiting positive group talks.
  • Effort sharing by participating in a voluntary work.

Baseline of sharing

In all types of sharing the baseline is time. A person spends one’s time to share any skill. The view of our time can help us to share it properly with others.

RealizD as app helps in sharing daily, monthly or even yearly progress. It enables you to track time usage over the some period and check how often are your phone pickups. Share your progress with others using the app and make a positive impact. RealizD provides feedback by letting a user know how is the individual progressing in comparison to previous days, weeks or months.